
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Football and prepping for the next season...of life

Virginia Tech football has always been known for it’s tough, blue-collar mentality.  If we weren’t the most talents or most athletic team on the field, we would outhustle and outwork you for the win.  We would deliver a whoopin’ in every game.   Last year my Virginia Tech Hokies went soft!  Our offensive and defensive lines were manhandled.  Our receivers didn’t block and just seemed to go through the motions.  When players were asked what the problem was, almost to a person, they said it was a lack of leadership. 
Coach Beamer saw where things were trending.  He changed almost the entire offensive staff and brought in a group of coaches who had “been there” and new what needed to be done to right the ship. 
Spring practice has begun andI love seeing what the coaches are doing to change the environment. 

*more intense 6:00AM practices that are pushing the players and separating those who want to be great compared to those who are just going through the motions.

* Coach Loeffler is being more verbal and demanding of an offense, that underachieved and a quarterback who had some seriously bad habits that were detrimental to his game and the team.  Everything is going back to the basics.

*Bull in the ring!  Those words bring fear to every person who ever played football who didn’t want to hit (Dion Sanders?).  Coach Grimes is requiring toughness from an offensive line that was anything but tough last year.  Check out the video!

These coaches understand that you can’t wait until game time to change a team’s culture and habits.  It must be a day-by-day event that begins right now.  It’s true what they say, “you will play like you practice”.

What areas in life do we need to change now to see long term change in becoming who we want to be?

Who are the people we need to surround ourselves with (our coaches) who will help us get headed in the right direction?

May we all have the heart to want to be all that we can possibly be.  

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