
Monday, December 23, 2013

Remembering the big picture, even in the small details

So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.
 Galatians 6:9 (The Message)

Our church just finished our annual Christmas Blessing for those who are in a bind this holiday season.  I am the person who administrates and coordinates this event for around 50 families (or about 200 kids).  If you know me, the words “administrate” and “coordinate” are pretty much never mentioned as being in my skill set.  Many times, I must admit, I lost site of the “why we do this” because I was buried in some very daunting and unwanted details. 
As families came this weekend to pick up presents, I once again remembered the purpose of this ministry.  People where incredibly grateful.  There where plenty of tears, hugs, and words of appreciation for everyone!  There were also those who showed remarkable love and integrity by forfeiting their gifts for those they knew needed it more.  Several even returned packages intended for others that they had accidentally picked. This was at the expense of extra gas and time on their behalf.  This Christmas season, may we not forget the love and compassion that Christ has extended to us, may we never get so buried in the minutiae of life that we don’t recognize opportunities to bless others, and may we not miss the bigger picture even in the smaller details.  

Friday, December 13, 2013

Be patient, God keeps his promises

There have been times in life when I really felt that God wanted to do something either with me, through me, or for me.  I have watched with anticipation for something to happen and for “my opportunity” to present itself!  Some of those events happened quickly but many times I found myself waiting and wondering if I missed it.  Upon closer reading of the Bible, along with some clarity by a friend and ministry partner, Jeanette Flynn, It becomes clear that the problem isn’t with God’s timing, it’s with my expectations.  God has his perfect timetable and, while we are the recipients of His promises, it’s not on our terms. 

Here are some examples…

From the time God tells Abram and Sarah they will have a child until they hold the baby in their arms is 16 years.

From the time Joseph dreams of his brothers bowing down to him until he stands in the palace and sees it happen is 22 years.

From the time that Noah is told to build the ark until the flooding begins is 120 years.

From the time God called Abraham to go and receive his inheritance promised for his people until the day they take possession of the land is 400 years!

Don’t get discouraged when things don’t happen right away.  God is still in control and he still fulfills HIS promises.